

Sally Hendrick is the CEO of Go-Sally-Go Consulting, LLC. Before leaving the corporate world in 2016, Sally spent 3 years developing digital marketing education courses inside her online academy, Social Media Traffic School. At the same time, she has helped clients grow and scale their businesses with her advertising services via her new agency, Clean Slate Advertising.

Sally specializes in target market research, marketing & sales funnels, digital courses, membership sites, and Facebook advertising strategies.

Today Sally is on a mission to bring forth Shout Your Cause to give back to the entrepreneurial community the digital marketing education and services they so desperately need to bring their messages to the world.

With 25 years as an actuarial statistician backing her up, Sally has been turning statistics into stories for companies to adjust and tweak their digital marketing programs to be effective. Strategic planning, execution, and communicating comprehensible results are her forte.

In addition to working with solopreneurs and small businesses to help them plan and accelerate their marketing strategies using Facebook, Sally also works with medium and large size companies to create strategic Facebook marketing plans and train marketing departments to carry out company objectives. Her methods are used to successfully increase return on investment with digital marketing.

Her client roster consists of a variety of businesses including a software company, a furniture business, financial coaches, business coaches, e-commerce product companies, life coaches, accountants, fitness coaches, non-profits, and more.

In her past life as an actuarial statistician (fancy word for behavioral & financial statistician), she often presented analytical results to boardrooms of companies like PepsiCo, Dollar General, HCA, and hundreds more, on how their employee and customer behaviors affected their financial bottom lines.

Sally resides in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and 3 daughters.