Five Content Sources for Facebook and Instagram (So You Don't Run Out of Ideas)

"What content am I supposed to post on my Facebook business page and on Instagram?" I get this question a lot from my mastermind members.

The beauty in organic content is that you do not have to come up with all of it yourself. In fact, it's better if you curate other people's content 80% of the time, and come up with your own 20% of the time. Just give credit where credit is due.

1. Google Alerts 

Set up Google Alerts with keywords about your business. You'll get an email every time an article is published that fits those keywords or phrases. Share the articles that align with your business on your Facebook business page.

2. Instagram Memes

Search competitor brands on Instagram. Do any of the memes catch your attention? Don't copy exactly what your competitor is doing, but use them as inspiration to create your own. Or if you decide to share the exact one, credit their account with it.


If you have a favorite author, look up quotes by him or her. Use these to create quote memes for your account. Make sure you put the author's name at the bottom!

4. Tips

You're always sharing tips on how your customers can better use your products or services. Why not take some of those and create tips memes? Summarize your tips concisely, and don't be afraid to stretch them out over several memes.

One thing I like to do is take my blog posts and pull tips out of them, so I am repurposing my content from one source to another.

5. Personal Interests

Did you know that the more people know about you the better? You don't have to tell everything, but there is nothing wrong with sharing personal interests with your audience, such as your travel bucket list, food you like, or hobbies that inspire you. Use pictures to demonstrate these interests.

Just like that, you've likely got several months of posts at your fingertips with these 5 ideas. Do you have more ideas for posting on your social media accounts? Please share this article and give your ideas with your post!


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