When we stand up for a cause with our content, genuine connections happen much faster!
These days, we can reach anyone we want to down to the nth degree with digital marketing.
"Why is that, Sally?" you ask.
It's the algorithm.
Think of it like this. The algorithm is a wavelength. There are data points stuck to that wavelength, such as where you live, what you do for a living, where you go on vacation, and even your most intimate worries. Sometimes it feels like your mind is being read, but in reality, the amount of time you spend looking at an image, reading an article, or hovering over a video tells something about you. And that information is collected and stored on your unique wavelength.
Now, it sounds kind of creepy for sure. But that information is not shared on you specifically with others. And vice versa, the information you get to see as a marketer is not shown to you when you are looking for followers, leads, or customers.
So how do you actually find the right people who have similar interests, values, and thoughts as the customer you want to reach?
You create a customer persona and use the elements that you believe live on your customers' wavelengths in your content. That way, the things you talk about, write about, or show will reach your ideal audience by a complex matching system.
It's like a matching game! That means we can connect with just the right people.
Here's an example:
This potential customer dresses nicely, jet sets to the beach while reading a good book on her smartphone. She has sushi for lunch often, attends painting classes, loves herbal tea, and has been known to show up at a rally or two.
That's a pretty good description, but here's an even better one:
This Harvard-educated woman wears Prada with her RayBan sunglasses on her way to the airport where she picks up a tuna roll and Brene Brown's Atlas of the Heart book. This morning she ran 3 miles in her new Athleta joggers, sipped on Taza green tea, read a Maya Angelou quote from her daily calendar, and checked Google to review her schedule for the next few days.
The second description is much more colorful! And besides that, the brands and specifics mentioned will capture someone's attention much quicker than a general outline.
Think about these things the next time you're writing a caption.
Inspiration for the month of March and beyond
With a content calendar in place that is right for your business or influencer status, you can make engaging posts from the hip without overthinking it. Curate ideas with a week-at-a-glance or month-at-a-glance calendar to eliminate stressing over what to post each day.
Here are some ideas to get you going. If you'd like our full Funny Holidays digital calendar for the entire year to add to your online calendar program, sign up to get it. It's free!
March Monthly:
- Irish American Heritage Month
- Music in Our Schools Month
- National Celery Month
- National Craft Month
- National Frozen Food Month
- National Irish American Heritage Month
- National Nutrition Month
- National Peanut Month
- National Women's History Month
- Red Cross Month
- Social Workers Month
March Weekly:
- 1st Week Celebrate Your Name Week
- 2nd Week National Bubble Week
- 2nd Week Crochet Week
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Free Download: Stand Out from the Crowd with the Funny Holidays Digital Calendar
We have a free gift for you! It's a digital calendar you can add to your online calendar program to give you inspiration when you're ready to make your social media content stand out.
What you get:
- Content planning instructions
- Content categories
- Deep dive topics
- Digital calendar for daily inspiration
- Recommended business tools
- Special invitation
Get content-making tips and my FUNNY HOLIDAYS calendar for FREE for daily content inspiration!