Prevent Losing Pixel Data If Your Facebook Ads Account Gets Shut Down!

prevent losing pixel data sally hendrick facebook ads

The last thing you want to happen is for your Facebook ads account to get shut down.

Here's a way you can prevent losing valuable pixel data if this ever happens to you. Note: With the latest iOS update on Apple products, pixel data may not work. We address what needs to be done to combat this in our Exponential Marketing Club.

How to prevent losing your data if your Facebook ads account gets shut down

You may hear nightmare stories about people’s ads accounts getting shut down, and it absolutely stinks when that happens. However, there are ways to share your pixel information BEFORE this even happens, so you don’t lose all that wonderful history.

Here are the steps you should take:

  1. Set up a new Business Manager. Let’s call it Business Manager 2. (Note, you can only set up 2 Business Managers for each personal profile. Because of this, go ahead and identify someone else who could be your backup in case either of these gets shut down, so you can set up another Business Manager that you share assets with.)
  2. Add yourself and someone else as Admins on Business Manager 2.
  3. Go back to your original Business Manager, let’s call it Business Manager 1.
  4. Click on Business Settings, and then click Partners.
  5. Next, you will click “Add”, then select “Give a partner access to your assets”. You will need the Business Manager 2 ID number to do this.
  6. From here, select all the assets you want to give, such as Pages, Accounts, and Pixels. You will have to go back and forth between the accounts to accept the assets, and you will need to make sure you add each person that needs access to the new Business Manager 2.

Once this is done, and both Business Managers include you and one other person as admins for both Business Managers, and you’ve shared assets between both Business Managers, you should be set.

If you ever get an Ad Account shut down in the future, just create a new Ad Account and use it to run ads on the page. If for some reason, you are restricted, go to the new Business Manager you created to use that.

Facebook can be finicky, so always keep 2 Business Managers readily available.

If you’re in a situation where it’s too little, too late, realize that the only data you truly lose when you lose your pixel data is 6 months' worth of website traffic information. You can still use Facebook page audience information for re-targeting. As long as you understand how to remarket using either method (website OR Facebook page), then you should be able to get things back up and running fairly quickly to grow audiences, generate leads, and make sales with Facebook advertising.


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