Steal My Social Media Calendar


Eliminate spinning endless ideas in your head about what to post on social media

With a content calendar in place that is right for your business or influencer status, you can make engaging posts from the hip. Curate ideas with a week-at-a-glance or month-at-a-glance calendar to eliminate stressing over what to post each day.

Fill in multiple content buckets that fit the needs of your clients

Entertainment and education on social media are here to stay. That's why finding a way to inform your followers with content they enjoy or need for life or business is key to social success. The algorithms will determine how much your posts will be seen by the masses, but consistency in providing content for your ideal fan will keep you top of mind for true followers. A variety of posts will help.

Fill these content buckets as evenly as possible:

  • Tips
  • Quotes
  • Mindset
  • Nostalgia
  • Causes

Stand out from the crowd with content your followers love

Not everyone is a comedian or amazing speaker, but that doesn't mean you can't find your own unique formula to make your social media compelling. In fact, making your content stand out from the crowd is easier than you may realize.

Here's the formula you need:

  • Inspiration to get you started
  • An ideal audience in mind
  • Cohesive branding style
  • Consistent schedule to follow
  • A simple call-to-action

Inspiration for the month of February and beyond

Here are some ideas to get you going. If you'd like our full Funny Holidays digital calendar for the entire year to add to your online calendar program, sign up to get it. It's free!

February Monthly:

  • American Heart Month
  • An Affair to Remember Month
  • Black History Month
  • Canned Food Month
  • Creative Romance Month
  • Great American Pie Month
  • National Bird Feeding Month
  • National Cherry Month
  • National Children’s Dental Health Month
  • National Grapefruit Month
  • National Weddings Month
  • Spunky Old Broads Month

Free Download: Stand Out from the Crowd with the Funny Holidays Digital Calendar

We have a free gift for you! It's a digital calendar you can add to your online calendar program to give you inspiration when you're ready to make your social media content stand out.

What you get:

  • Content planning instructions
  • Content categories
  • Deep dive topics
  • Digital calendar for daily inspiration
  • Recommended business tools
  • Special invitation

Get content-making tips and my FUNNY HOLIDAYS calendar for FREE for daily content inspiration!